There’s nothing shameful in life being a double edged sword, we can write and if it touches someone, or it helps them to feel less alone then what a gift we’ve found in amongst the chaos.
Took a Mini-retirement/Spiritual Retreat…
I’ve been on a mini-retirement in the big smokes. Kinda, I did end up shooting some soundcheck and gig shots and a couple of portraits for a band my pal’s label are looking after. But mosty I danced at an old school indie disco till 4am, went for a couple of runs and filled up on my favourite things. Dear pals fed me delicious food, which is a treat cos I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me that wasn’t catering at work or the chippy. I also cut about a bunch of exhibitions at Tate Modern, Tate Britain, The Barbican and The Royal Academy of Arts.
Hey folks
Just realised it’s been another month since I wrote on here. Time flies
I shot my last wedding job of the year at the weekend, a wee beauty at one of my favourite spots, Netherbyres House in Eyemouth. So there’s no excuse for me not to catch up on some of the personal work I keep threatening to make. I’ve been busy getting stuck in about lots of research and ideas...
I’ve been on a mini-retirement in the big smokes. Kinda, I did end up shooting some soundcheck and gig shots and a couple of portraits for a band my pal’s label are looking after. But mosty I danced at an old school indie disco till 4am, went for a couple of runs and filled up on my favourite things. Dear pals fed me delicious food, which is a treat cos I can’t remember the last time someone cooked for me that wasn’t catering at work or the chippy. I also cut about a bunch of exhibitions at Tate Modern, Tate Britain, The Barbican and The Royal Academy of Arts.
I loved Re/Sisters at The Barbican, a very beautiful exhibition about some really depressing things. The exhibition explores environmental and gender justice as indivisible parts of a global struggle. It starkly shows in many ways how the patriarchy and capitalism are murdering our increasingly precarious ecosystem. Mostly photography and film, the work explores how women’s understanding of our environment has often resisted capitalism through various forms of protest.
Also loved A World in Common: Contemporary African Photography at Tate Modern. Khadija SayeI, who died in Grenfell, made the most beautiful wet plate collodion tintype self portraits using symbolic items to represent traditional Gambian spiritual practices, exploring the ideas of surrendering to a higher power for solace, of human soul and of virtue. They’re very delicate and powerful.
I also had my usual wee daunder around their collection mostly to stare at the Yves Klein blue and surrealist stuff. They’ve changed it up a bit since I was last there so good to take in some new beauty.
We also visited the Sarah Lucas exhibition at Tate Britain. There were several of her works in the Michael Clark exhibition a while back at the Dundee V&A which I felt showed off her work better. This felt like it was just loads of boob chairs. I reckon it must have been fun sitting in some cold studio in the 90s hot glue gunning fags to toilet plungers from the pound store and proclaiming they’d be at the Tate one day. Was good to see her massive tabloid pieces and wanking chairs in the flesh though. And we had a laugh at how the boob chairs have gone from being made out of cheap tights like characters try to sell you in the pub next to the Barrowland to being cast in Bronze (probs for Elton).

And I’ve always loved Marina Abramovic, particularly her performance work with Ulay. So I had stiff nips at Royal Academy wandering through the huge screens of them and thinking she’s hard as fuck for the endurances she’s put herself through physically and mentally.
The piece, Rhythm 0, is brutal. She laid out 72 objects representing pleasure and pain, from a gun to feathers, for the audience to use on her as they wished over a 6 hour performance. The photos of the audience slowly becoming more and more violent - they wrote on her skin, stripped her clothing, held a loaded gun to her neck…at the end of the 6 hours as she began to move the audience all left in a hurry.
“The experience I drew from this work was that in your own performances you can go very far, but if you leave decisions to the public, you can be killed”
Marina and Ulay also famously walked from opposite ends of the Great Wall of China as a performance piece that was meant to end with them marrying in the middle. Instead their relationship fell apart in the years it took to arrange, as China wasn’t open to foreigners at the time, so they did it to say goodbye to each other and didn’t speak again for 20 years. They walked 2500 km each. From the walk there were rubbings of stones and cystrals from the path, which then inspired the next period of work Marina made which focussed on the healing power of crystals and creating transitory objects. I hadn’t seen any of that type of her work before, mostly just video of performance pieces and some stills.
Not to self aggrandise but to segue into enjoying when the universe is having a right fucking laugh, it was wild to then receive a message right after seeing all of these, from a friend to say her abusive ex had once again contacted her. The police had already spoken to this guy about relentless stalking and harassment for months, but he sent her another message anyways. This time he was laying in to me for posting self portraits on the internet and hating me for basically existing. I spoke to this guy once ever, a year ago at a gig. I’d blocked several of his instagram accounts after I found out he was harassing my pal and he sent me a creepy message saying he was ‘a sensitive soul’ Aye, nice. He’s in court soon so I can’t show you just now but some of the tirade deserves it’s own t-shirt. Synchronicities and burn the witches vibes all over the gaff.
I feel like a lot of the weight of what’s happening across the world boils down to the systems we live under promoting and rewarding narcissism and entitlement, mostly in white men. Most of the art I saw came with the same messages - that there is hope for other ways of life but the patriarchy and capitalism are killing us and our planet, that peaceful protest can make a difference, that we need to build on community and spirituality which respects that we are of the earth over control, destruction and extraction for profit and political individualism. Right up my street stuff. On the train home I listened to The Other Side: A Journey Into Women, Art and the Spirit World by Jennifer Higgie, which I recommend too.
All feels like it’s leading nicely to Samhain or Noz an Anaon as my Breton ancestors would call it, when the veil between the two worlds is thinnest. A time to guard ourselves from harm and to show our respects to and learn from the dead, to celebrate the passing from harvest to winter. Light a fire and candles, let go of all the things that no longer serve us and vocalise hope for the coming year. Place gifts at the altar and let go of those who wish for us to sacrifice our true selves to feed their anger and hate.
Maybe that all reads a bit serious but then the world is burning to fuck so what you gonna do? I had a great mini retirement. There was red velvet everywhere but that’s another story. I’ve got another one coming soon.
** these are all phone snaps so don’t judge me.
I should probably also talk about some upcoming work, eh?
I’ll be joining Rowanjoy at her sample sale in Good Vibes, Leith on Saturday 25 November. Hit her up for a spot. I’ll have the last bits and bobs from our old Elopement Society online store, which is mostly candles and candlestick holders (ideal for wedding day decor or as xmas gifts). And you can ask me anything about my wedding and elopement photography work, local elopement design too.
And I might be joining my neighbours at The Drill Hall for a studio open day (but I’m in a tricky part of the building so we’ll see). Either way, I’m hoping to get my act together to have a series of prints for sale over the website soon. More about that once I’ve finished my last couple of wedding edits and got the cameras out again…
In the meantime, peace and love
Cheers for Now
Here’s to fresh starts and new beginnings.
THANK YOU to everyone who made and came along to the resident artists’ exhibition at Out of the Blue Drill Hall. Cheers now for the dairy box too. Delicious.
It felt really good, despite being a last minute chaotic scramble to pull something together at the same time as moving studios and busy work and all the usual. I was a bit shy about putting them out there, they feel like nibbles from a feast I want to cook. It’s been sweet to hear positive things and to have conversations about how others have interpreted things too.
Here’s to fresh starts and new beginnings.
THANK YOU to everyone who made and came along to the resident artists’ exhibition at Out of the Blue Drill Hall. Cheers now for the dairy box too. Delicious.
It felt really good, despite being a last minute chaotic scramble to pull something together at the same time as moving studios and busy work and all the usual. I was a bit shy about putting them out there, they feel like wee bites from a feast I want to cook. It’s been sweet to hear positive things and to have conversations about how others have interpreted things too.
I’ve been purposefully erratic on some of my corners of the internet of late. I’ve been smoking out the unwelcome. Can confirm they lurk like stale farts pretty much everywhere. I’ve been speaking to the platforms about safety and basically they don’t give a fuck. You can’t really block them and they’ll just make a new account if you could.
So the only thing you can really do is just be more yourself and shout more for and to the people you want to communicate with. You have to learn to just ignore the fact you are also being hunted for sport by multiple predatory folk. It sounds insane to even type it but the police have confirmed to me that I am not crazy. And I don’t relish speaking to the police. Enough about all that for now. I think it’s been a necessary and annoying part of the process of letting all of those triggers for feeling unsafe go.
I’m changing up the password for folks who read Lost and Found soon and I’ll write about how recent news and experiences have helped me to find some confidence. I’m just needing some space from all of that for a bit.
Lost and Found is a private blog where I gripe and grumble a lot but usually it ends up positive and hopeful cos, well, I’m fucked if doesn’t.
It’s been lovely to realise I’m not paranoid, (not massively) delusional, I’m not a burden, I’m not even that chaotic. I’ve just been an easy target for a lot of other people’s anger and difficult feelings and I’ve internalised a lot of it. I’ve shamed myself for the ways my body reacts now to try to make sure I’m safe. The things that people who’ve been in abusive relationships internalise and can hold on to is wild. It does create depression, anxiety, symptoms of complex post traumatic disorder but you have to learn to manage those things as best you can. Learning to stay present is a huge thing for me. I’m prone to dissociating and brain fog and all that stuff. Iyengar yoga, running, swimming in the cold sea, dancing, it’s all helping to bring me back to the present when things get a bit fuckin much, which it’s been doing a lot lately, if you read the news.
I’ve been talking a lot with friends who’ve gone through similar experiences and we all have taken a long time to unfurl the projections we’ve been convinced are ours to carry. It’s the most amazing thing to hear these pals recognise their worth finally. Very proud to know some beautiful souls who, despite true violence and untold amounts of bullshit, refuse to give in to bitterness and they just carry on being kind humble legends.
“I can accept your faulty perception of me.”
Always coming back to that powerful phrase and keeping the faith. I refuse to let any of it make me bitter either. I’m a lover not a fighter and all that.
So I’ve been gathering all this intel, these experiences and feelings to make some work this coming winter. Too many ideas, as always. But looking forward to being able to create positive things from shitty places. It’s a superpower using our creativity. I found the dafter stuff I put together for the exhibition, like my unfinished concertina book that won’t stay folded and my wee flipbook that fell apart more times than it worked, put a soppy grin on my face and that’s a nice place to be. The Drill Hall is a lush space to work from. You’ve got your own wee private space to hyperfocus and get through your workload and there’s always a friendly face in the cafe for a chat too. It’s been really good to meet new neighbours (and some pals who have spaces here), along with some folks I know who have classes in the space and friends who’ve popped by. I feel like I’m in the right place to expand and grow and be the wee weirdo I am.
Getting stuck in about finally sharing some of the summer’s work and I’ve uploaded galleries for a couple of events with the lush wee team at Aetla. I’ve more to share soon too. There’s also a couple of brand commissions and I can’t remember if I mentioned on here that there’s also a gallery of promotional headshots from a shoot with social activist and author, Emily Kenway so I’ll just say it again. Some links on the buttons below to most of the new stuff.
Love is real.
Trust your gut.
I still believe in people.
The world is burning but it’s full of magic.
We’ll always get there in the end.
Cheers for now.
“Won’t you visit my studio and let me perpetuate your personality?”
Being bored in the flat finally made me sort out my little darkroom cupboard and get back to printing some black and white images. It’s been so long my chemicals had all rotted but I’d forgotten how you have to count the seconds and it keeps you present, tunes on (getting lost when the BPM and the red light seconds counter are off kilter with each other) I really enjoy the gentle process…
Hi lads,
Back to the grind. Playtime is over, no more pissing about this year, mind…
I was quite chuffed that Santa managed to pull off a lo-fi quiet Christmas for the wean and I seeing as we were trapped in the flat for most of the last couple of weeks of school with all the germs. My kid gave me nits and a chest infection for Xmas. We checked one out under the microscope he got from Santa, weirdly hypnotic wee fellas.
Being bored in the flat finally made me sort out my little darkroom cupboard and get back to printing some black and white images. It’s been so long my chemicals had all rotted but I’d forgotten how you have to count the seconds and it keeps you present, tunes on (getting lost when the BPM and the red light seconds counter are off kilter with each other) I really enjoy the gentle process…I’d been putting it off for a very long time because I kept overwhelming myself with ideas and all the cameras but then once I got in about it I remembered that I can only process 35mm negatives and I’ve only got black and white paper and chemicals so maybes I just need some constraints then I’m off…
I’ve started shooting some self portraits and exploring my autonomy, getting back in touch with my flesh. Not to keep dropping trauma turds all over the internet but folks who follow my @solornothing page have probably noticed me grappling with seeing and expressing myself as someone with wants and desires for some time now. Or maybes it just looks like a horny midlife crisis, I donno. Maybes it’s both. Anyways, I’m slowly scratching my way out of some time in solitary confinement. Maybe I’ll write elsewhere about my experiences in more detail but for now I want to stick to dancing in the darkroom and let some of the noisy ideas loose and see where it takes me, reaping all that has been sown so far and all that.
I think the realisation you are neurodivergent as an adult is as liberating as it is frustrating. I’ve always been a bit all or nothing in relationships and that's definitely been taken advantage of a times. It’s strange to think I might not have been through some of the tougher experiences if I’d known when I was younger the huge part that often plays in emotions, thinking and behaviours. So I’m taking time to be kind to myself and hope that I can still be me but with some stronger boundaries to keep things healthier. All of these explorations are helping me to find out.
The best part of wedding shoots is connecting with people in their genuine big feelings but I’ve never tried that on myself before. Most of my work is sharing and recording other peoples’ vulnerable moments. I always learn something from the couples and the celebrants I work with, who are just the best storytellers. We’ll share more of that good stuff this year. I’ve a heap of things from last year to share and a bunch of admin to catch up on and I’ll get there one of these days. Wedding work starts for me on the last weekend of the month, with a tiny wedding for a couple of absolute legends so I’ll no doubt be a complete emotional wreck but we’re going to have a dance in the street and good times.
I owe Hannah a huge thank you, not only for making sense of all my work for the new website last year but also for masquerading as me on my wedding work page and the elopement society socials for most of the last few months of last year. I had a bit of a burnout at the end of wedding work season after having the big neurodivergent realisation along with some nasty past experiences deciding I needed to deal with them all at once. I was pretty work shy, overwhelmed and triggered to fuck but I feel like I’ve managed to get past it all and the year has started with some big laughs and lots of germs and ideas. This year I’m just doing stuff before I can overthink it all away and you can hold me to that, if you want to.
Anyways, from now on Hannah will be concentrating on The Elopement Society online as we build a bunch more connections with some local creatives and charitable organisations that support independent artists. We’ve so many ideas and collaborations to get to work on. I struggle so much with the wedding industry sheen, the whole ‘best day ever’ glossy pressure and I think we’re all skint and doing things the same way as everyone else is hella boring so maybes it’s time that we do things differently. Mostly we’ll be over here with our chat and sending our subscribers some patter and treats. You should join the mailing list if you haven’t already.
“Our whole ethos is centred on supporting local independent brands and creatives who have a strong sustainability practice, reminding couples that you don’t have to have a ‘wedding’ but you can get married however you want. There’s so many preconceived notions of what a wedding is and fuck those guys, just be you and do things in a way that represent your story together so it has some meaning and value.”
Local couples can use the spaces they hang out in on their wedding day, it doesn’t have to be a huge wildly expensive thing to be beautiful and special if you don’t want it to be. We work with loads of overseas couples who have a connection to Scotland who want to elope here and we offer an alternative to the well travelled jaunt to the beautiful highlands cos there’s beautiful spaces all over our wee country and in our local neighbourhoods. So, for now, our focus is on Edinburgh and East Lothian mainly cos I love to shoot there and it feels like home. We list our ideas as packages just to take the stress out of figuring out where to begin once you let those preconceptions go but we tailor every elopement and small wedding to suit our couples, they’re just a serving suggestion to whet yer appetite. More about all that stuff coming soon for all the new engaged folks discovering us on the internet.
I’ve started this year feeling very restless, I’m itching for some laughs and adventures.
I had fun shooting some portrait jobs at the end of the year and I’d love to do more of them this year. I always try to shoot some pre-wedding couples portraits with the folks who’ve got me following them around all day and their weddings. I also do a little bit of family portraiture and some promo and editorial shots now and again but those mostly tend to be on the move much like my events work. I’d like to slow things down and do more studio based stuff to mix things up a bit and to get the lighting gear out.
I have some time in February to play. So pals looking for collaborative shoots or needing portraits, get in touch.
There I go, trying to avoid sitting still already…
Speak again soon xx
Oh, and the ““Won’t you visit my studio and let me perpetuate your personality?” quote is from the first female photographer to get her own studio in Hollywood. She worked with MGM, with final approval and credit for all her images, styled Garbo and Joan Crawford all in her twenties.
You have to die a few times to really live
One of my proper oversharing is caring rants so take a deep breath. This time last year I had my usual fuck all invites to do anything festive. Folks don’t know what to do with a socially awkward sober single self-employed solo parent old weirdo nightmare at the best of times and that’s ok. As is always the remedy, I took myself to a couple of gigs and I decided to make something for myself with my time instead of being grumpy wee shite.
Firstly, a huge thank you to the folks who made orders with our wee online store over November, we’ve made our donation to Refuweegee in your honour. Last day for postage for the year is Wednesday 14th. Solidarity to everyone out there having to strike.
One of my proper oversharing is caring rants so take a deep breath. This time last year I had my usual fuck all invites to do anything festive. Folks don’t know what to do with a socially awkward sober single self-employed solo parent old weirdo nightmare at the best of times and that’s ok. As is always the remedy, I took myself to a couple of gigs and I decided to make something for myself with my time instead of being grumpy wee shite. I made myself mad uncomfortable by videoing myself dancing in my pants and turned it into a flipbook and it was the best fun experience because I hadn’t made anything tangible in a very long time. 2021 was my busiest year of wedding work to date and so I’d just been chasing my tail with editing and never having time to hang out with anyone or take my kid on adventures. He was with his other family for xmas last year but I had a fucking great time to myself, watching Snowbeast, Die Hard (festive) and Goodfellas and fucking the social norms that say you have to behave in certain ways and wear a fucking stupid paper hat and eat dry meat that nobody has a bar off any other time of year, what’s the deal with the eating turkeys? I’m not a total grumble demon, I just think we should make our own traditions out of things that we love instead of blindly following everyone else.
Looking back on how uncomfortable I felt making that flipbook makes me really happy as I feel this year I no longer give a flying fuck about a lot of insecurities I had this time last year. Taps aff, tits oot, sober dancing amongst other personal revelations. Aaaw, look at me in ma big girl pants, risen like a phoenix from the ashes and that, bless. I recently said some people are so delicious you can’t help but let them burst open your darkness and just hope they stick around long enough to help you clean up the mess. I didn’t expect it to burst out of me like a bomb the last few months but there you go. I’ve been a lot more open lately about some difficult experiences in the past that have held back my confidence. There’s days in bed being a bit Brian Wilson to let it all go. The wee radge version of me that has been dormant since I stopped drinking is rising to have my back so nae shite, thanks. Big old realisations about healthy anger and the like. I’m still a bit easily startled compared to the bravado in my brains but heading in the right direction. I’m lucky to have you tasty creeps around, the old energy is definitely clearing so I hope I’m in a fit state to share my gratitude soon. Working on some ideas.
All of these things come down to connecting with great folks, making myself communicate about things I want and don’t want, although I get a bit carried away sometimes. People are weird eh? I know I’m a bit dramatic and exhausting for sure. There’s plenty folks who love to see you doing ok but hate it when you start to do great. (Popped that one in to give the frenemies a beamer, you’re welcome, bitches.) Best to focus on the places where you feel safe, nourished and challenged to keep going and exploring. Gratitude for the good ones, I can’t tell you enough how grateful I am for you people that offer me safe spaces and all the good things.
“You have to die a few times to really live.”
— Charles Bukowski
I’m excited to be making new connections to artists whose work I love and am inspired by. I am forever in awe of folks who have proper disciplined process when it comes to creating, for me it’s a shambles of torture until something daft pops out to take the edge off my pure goth existential whitey. I’ve started trying to hone my inner radge into a kind of Begbie that gives me shit for letting the overwhelm take over so we’ll see how that goes. I can’t always figure out ways to get the difficult feelings and memories out in creative ways like I think I should to torch them. Maybe for now they’re meant to come out in more straightforward ways for me and I’m just meant to play and say fuck you to all that stuff by finding some sexy joy in creating and letting go instead of looking backward.
I know lots of people who have a bunch of stuff they rarely talk about. You can see my ranting and raving on my not wedding work instagram (@solornothing) where I try to push myself to just share stuff and be a bit braver. I’ve had a lot of heavy rants with folks recently. Bottling nasty stuff up just holds us back from really living but there’s no point in getting stuck in it either.
I was having a wee maudlin time to myself this week after facing some of the tough stuff but I dragged myself away from my misery pit and went to a couple of gigs. Music is the best drug. The power of dancing with strangers and getting rattled by the bass through the pa (cos us short asses are always down the front next to the pa or up the back moaning about one of you tall fuckers standing right in front of us just as the band start) is transformative. I slowly murder my playlists by listening to them till it gets painful and then start all over again but I think I was exact same with tapes when I was wee. My flat is full of instruments I don’t know how to play. It makes sense that I’ve been reconnecting with folks who I know through my days working at gigs this year cos I’m greedy for the tunes. It’s one of the few ways that really helps me to get out of my head and into my body which I really need to focus on more.
If you struggle at this time of year for any reason my solid pal advice for you (I’ve got my hand on your shoulder if you need a wee visual) switch off from all the bullshit happy family narratives that claim buying folks loads of crap is the best way to express love and go and create something. Or just reach for your favourite vice and get tore in, whatever works, what do I know, I don’t even have whisky to turn to so give me a break.
We all know that abusive people love to kick up shit at this time of year for maximum effect while we’re all being force-fed the happy big family around the table stories so don’t be a dick.
All the hugs and dances and rest, merry gents
The Store
Joy As An Act Of Resistance, Who's In?
Thank you to everyone for the lovely feedback about the new website. It feels good to have something out there that’s a bit more representative of me and different types of photography work I like to do. There’s a big shift happening for me and this has been a really useful place to start.
Thank you to everyone for the lovely feedback about the new website. It feels good to have something out there that’s a bit more representative of me and different types of photography work I like to do. There’s a big shift happening for me and this has been a really useful place to start. The whole process of working with Hannah has been amazing. She’s brilliant. Although, we have tangent rants a lot. She’s one of those folks who is incredibly encouraging and also just gently nudges you to be a bit braver, to charge the going rate for work instead of giving my time and ideas away...
She’s also helped me to just face the fact I’m more than likely to have ADHD. That’s led me to some massive learning about myself, how my brain works (and doesn’t) and how much of a hard time I can give myself for not progressing ideas for projects that aren’t paid jobs. It’s been really liberating. I had no idea about many of the different facets of how ADHD can affect daily life and my behaviours and awful memory make so much sense. It’s a total confidence booster to figure out you aren’t just a lazy procrastinating forgetful bastard but that your brain just doesn’t work in the linear ways that capitalism wants it to. Power to the divergents and all that.
I’ve had the best time this year. It’s been a wild ride. I’ve been an emotionally overwhelmed wreck a lot of it but trying not to be a total people pleasing doormat has freed up some space in my brain and time to hang out with the folks who’ve been there for the rants and the dances so it’s been fun. I’ve also been working mostly on my own at weddings this year for the first time really. I’ve shot weddings for around a decade and mostly had someone with me for the full days but after restrictions last year changed things, I just ended up mostly flying solo. There’s no decompressing from the lovely intensity of it all on the drives home, belting out bangers in the car with Alix. So I’ve been really conscious of how much I’ve missed that but also I’ve started to explore using film again so it’s been a great learning experience. I genuinely have the best clients, always such generous and lovely folks to hang out with so I’m really lucky.
Thank you to everyone who has been a part of my wild year. I feel like I’m growing exponentially and it’s a wild ride. It feels good to find a little confidence to explore autonomy over myself and the parts of me that I maybe haven’t looked after very well for a long time.
I’ve witnessed the most amazing connections between people through my work and beautiful combinations of different traditions. I know I often bang on about it but it really does just amaze me to see it. I shot my last wedding job of the year and the last covid postponement early in November. What a wonder of a wee team in the face of adversity those folks are. And it’s not just the couples I work with, sometimes it’s witnessing the most amazing family bonds too. I don’t have any living siblings and I find it fascinating to watch how they can come together and support each other in the roughest of circumstances. It’s alchemy to see all the ways folks are there for each other. After that day at work I sat on the sofa with my kid and my dad listening to music till midnight (ooft, wee guy was a riot the next day). My dad has just got into streaming, got all French about Jacques Dutronc, says his lyrics aren’t just words, they’re a philosophy. Good times.
November has been pretty much fighting my body’s deep wish to hibernate. The seasonal affective disorder is a beast this year. I also invented an Amelie inspired flirtation with a recycling bin that I realised was more romantic and enjoyable than my past relationships with actual human men so it’s been a time. Winter is always a bastard and I hate most things about xmas so I’m making sure I make time for those lush friends and folks who make me feel enriched. I’m making time to do the things that make me feel full. Mostly that’s either using the tiny bits of freetime I’ve got to chase (booze-free) debauchery or sometimes it’s gentle art feasts, getting out and about creeping with old film cameras and swearing in the dark with chemicals. I can highly recommend hanging out on the beach in a mad cloak based on a costume from the second worst film of all time and eating crisps with the crows for a life affirming start to yer day.
Anyways, some work things I should be taking about instead of this self indulgent pish…
The Store
All profits from sales on our store for the rest of November will be donated to Refuweegee. If you can, please help us to support local makers and this amazing charity by purchasing some of our tactile beauty.
The Elopement Society
We’ve got some exciting new East Lothian elopement and wee wedding news coming in the new year so get in touch if you might want to elope or have a tiny wedding by the beach/in the woods/with delicious things.
Before all the tantruming billionaires kill social media, we’re also working on some old school lo-fi ways of staying in touch which will also push me to do all the personal work stuff I just bashed out a bit of bravado about. I’m just saying this so that Hannah holds me accountable for it in a couple of months when I’ve forgotten. Also to try to tempt you into joining our mailing list so we can be pen pals.
Our brand new Edinburgh wee wedding package for seafood lovers is a banger (although not in the sausage sense I don’t think) so we’ll be hollering out that very soon too.
What’s the bets it takes me 6 months to actually call the doctor for an ADHD test referral…anyways much love as always, stay nourished and cosy cos it’s rough out there xx