A group exhibition exploring female autonomy and safety through art. Out of the Blue Drill Hall, 11-16 November.

Exhibiting 7/8/14/15 September, 10am-6pm

Organising and curating a residents' exhibition and evening in-house performer showcase as part of Out of the Blue Drill Hall's 30th anniversary celebrations.
Free expo - 10-20 September 10am-5pm
Free evenings 11th 6-8 launch & 18th showcase & whisky tasting, 6-8

Exhibition: 18th - 23rd June, 2024
MUSE at Fox Yard Studio, Stowmarket, Suffolk.
“Inspiration can come from many sources, including nature, other people, personal experiences and more. In Mythology, the muses were nine goddesses who symbolised the arts and sciences. For this art exhibition, artists from different fields were invited to submit works which explore their source of inspiration. What drives their imagination, what makes them create and emboldens their practice?”

All The Trigger warnings…
I’m genuinely overwhelmed by the amazing support I’m getting for my first proper solo exhibition. Thank you to everyone who’s engaging with it. It’s been a surreal and great experience to put my work out there.
NOW LOVE is open again tomorrow, noon to 6pm, closing on Friday so you’ve still got a few days to catch it if you’d like to. It’s at Agitate on William Street.

agitate and other stuff
AGITATE gallery
23 Feb - 8 Mar
A solo photography exhibition by yours truly
This is not a drill…
Anyways, the exhibition is open from today for 10 days and I’ve come in all guns blazing with some scrappy little mismatched bits of chaos. I could have used some neatly framed old seascapes I’ve got at home but that felt a bit safe and boring so instead I’ve taken the title, A Closer Look, a bit too literally and I’ve got a kind of scrapbook of some of the ideas from my personal work on the website and recent adventures, chats and the like. It’s all a bit of a mess so apologies to my new neighbours for lowering the tone. They’ve all got some beautiful work for sale. And then there’s some sketchy stuff of mine you can touch and interact with like my wee dancing flipbook, some of my writing and a messy little concertina book. It’ll all no doubt fall apart before the end of the run but it’s a more honest hello to everyone at my new place and hopefully makes folks smile. Don’t judge me, I’ll put something a bit more polished into the next one, promise.

feast your eyes
Welcome to the updated website.
It’s been remixed and remastered. The new release is a gatefold sleeved visual opus through ‘where the fuck did time go?’ over the last couple of years. Side A is the big hitters - the love songs, the ballads (weddings, elopement photography and design and loved ones portrait sessions). Side B is the more alternative takes and experimental tracks (personal work, editorial, creative commissions & portraiture)