Exhibition: 18th - 23rd June, 2024
MUSE at Fox Yard Studio, Stowmarket, Suffolk.
“Inspiration can come from many sources, including nature, other people, personal experiences and more. In Mythology, the muses were nine goddesses who symbolised the arts and sciences. For this art exhibition, artists from different fields were invited to submit works which explore their source of inspiration. What drives their imagination, what makes them create and emboldens their practice?”

All The Trigger warnings…
I’m genuinely overwhelmed by the amazing support I’m getting for my first proper solo exhibition. Thank you to everyone who’s engaging with it. It’s been a surreal and great experience to put my work out there.
NOW LOVE is open again tomorrow, noon to 6pm, closing on Friday so you’ve still got a few days to catch it if you’d like to. It’s at Agitate on William Street.