This timeline is wild at heart and weird on top.
This morning TikTok is awash with weeping women across the globe just utterly exhausted by male apathy to rising misogyny. It’s American women full of rage saying they’ve pied their partners, family and pals who voted Republican. It’s Democrats urging other women to buy a pew pew for protection before the laws are changed and they aren’t allowed to. It’s some American men also urging women to join the 4B movement, to be extremely cautious when dating in the USA because they to see how problematic voting a fascist rapist as president is going to be. Again, no focus there on their own behaviours and the actions of the men around them, just ‘women, you stay safe out there’ patter that says nothing of any consequence. It’s women saying they are being radicalised by the limited number of supportive and proactive male voices in the conversation, that the apathy is what is forcing their hand towards changing their lifestyles to protect their heath and wellbeing. And absolutely none of it feels reactionary at all, it feels a sensible response when this is what passes for entertainment and discourse in their world.
The world is lunging deeper into a mental health crisis as billionaires play with the broken systems that allow them to. This timeline is wild at heart and weird on top. ‘Which of the hateful megalomaniacs will come out on top, tune in tomorrow for more’ kinda vibes. An inverted squid game.
Meanwhile, quiet covens in the woods…I’ve got some work in a group show at Out of the Blue Drill Hall, My Body Whose Choice, which seems even more apt than it did last week. An exploration of female autonomy and safety in art. Organised and curated by Hello Art.
Out of the Blue Drill Hall
Dalmeny Street, Leith
November 11, 2-5pm
12th - 15th, 10-5pm
16th, 10-2pm (I’m working elsewhere but encourage everyone to go along to this. Some of the artists will discuss their work, there’s a clay workshop to release some rage and a guest speaker)
I’m also taking part in a panel talk on Monday 2 December at the beautiful Greyfriars Hall at Virgin Hotel in Cowgate. Organised and hosted by local legend Lynette Gray. The Power of Creativity and Art.
The panel will discuss our personal experiences of how leaning into creativity and making art has helped us to process and heal difficult life experiences. I’ve written on here, made mention in exhibitions and on socials but aside from ranting at a handful of generous supportive pals, I’ve never really said all of the things around past abusive relationships and medical trauma that I’ve been working through out loud all at once, certainly not in a room full of people I don’t know yet. So it feels nerve inducing but like it will prove to be another big growth step forward.
Before all the demented political chat kicked off again, October was mostly a delicious month. I got to tour guide a tour manager when some pals came to town for the weekend. It was so good to get out and about, visit some favourite galleries, restaurants, potter about the city. I’ve been a bit of a hermit on and off across this year while I focussed on art projects, recharging, hatching plans and just staying the fuck away from any drama. Autumn in Edinburgh is a wee stunner. So good to wander in the colours before winter comes. Women in Revolt, Barry McLean at Modern One and Two, Ibrahim Mahama at Fruitmarket, Judy Clark at Away Industries, just missed Sett Studios Flawd Folk parade, vintage fairs, record shops…
I also had my first experience of life modelling, for a workshop run by my studio pal and neighbour, Felicity Inkpen. Witchy stillness felt good. My kid and I ran out to the beach to see the Northern Lights and they made him cry. I went along to Other Other Music at Leith Depot finally, after a long time threatening to. I was at Florence Given’s Fruitmarket Gallery book launch for Women Living Deliciously. I popped into the launch night for the new photo booth at Stills Gallery. Hosted a Halloween party for my kid and a dozen sugar buzzed weans. Shot a beautiful tiny wedding in the garden of an East Lothian cottage, with a walk to the beach for a pink sunset which I helped design too (@edinburghelopements) Did another wee brand shoot, this time for lovely Mairi MacSween Illustrations. Plus all the usual juggles and plate spins.
November also brings more out of town pals to visit, a couple of local indie brand shoots which will be good fun, more music and creative experiments.
Brand shoots, portraits…people and the things they do + me and my big bag of cameras.